APEMC 2022 Workshop
Session Code
[WS2] Auto Test
Janet O’Neil, Garth D’Abreu
Adrian Matoi, Renato Henz,
Jingyu Han
[WS6] EMC Meas
Janet O’Neil, Zhong Chen
[WS7] Power Electronics
Dong Jiang,
Hong Li,
Xuejun Pei

Radio Frequency Interference for 5G/IoT
Radio Frequency Interference for 5G/IoT
Radio-frequency interference is becoming a critical challenge in device and sensor designs used for wireless communications and IoT. Any RF antenna used as a radio receiver can easily pick up the unintended electromagnetic noise from ICs, cable, and interconnects, resulting in significant performance degradation. With the emerging 5G wireless and IoT, mitigation of RF interference in the physical layer is essential in ensuring normal operations of RF devices and sensors, especially in complex electromagnetic environment. This workshop will cover both the fundamentals and practical implications of RF Interference. Methodologies in terms of analysis, debugging, modeling and measurements will be discussed.
Jun Fan, Ph.D., IEEE Fellow, Missouri University of Science and Technology
Chulsoon Hwang, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Missouri University of Science and Technology
Automotive Test Methodologies for Performance Verification of Modern Vehicles
Automotive Test Methodologies for Performance Verification of Modern Vehicles
Automotive EMC Technology continues to dramatically move forward with the growing acceptance of vehicles with increasing levels of automated assistance features as well as the ongoing development of increasing levels of autonomy. At the same time, there is the ever present concern about the dependability and inherent safety of vehicles with sophisticated levels of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS). ADAS features, including adaptive cruise control, autonomous emergency breaking, lane departure warning systems, and blind spot warning, to name a few, are standard features drivers have come to expect, some of which will soon become mandatory in the European Union. Connectivity is also becoming a more prevalent component of the increasingly autonomous vehicle. The presentations in this tutorial will address the importance of full vehicle antenna passive and over-the-air (OTA) testing to assess communication performance under representative conditions. A review will be provided of the latest methodologies for radar testing on full vehicles and components to address performance concerns. The latest trends in automotive test environments, such as reverberation and anechoic chambers, will be discussed with recommendations provided for the optimal chamber type for the specific application.
Attendees of this tutorial will learn about the latest challenges facing automotive OEMs. Those that design automotive EMC/Antenna Pattern Measurement (APM) test chambers, and offer commercial automotive EMC/APM and OTA test services, will also benefit from the developing solutions to these challenges presented.
The tutorial presents different perspectives – both current and future – on modern Automotive EMC/APM Technology.
Janet O’Neil, ETS-Lindgren
Garth D’Abreu, ETS-Lindgren
Recent Advances in Electrostatic Discharge Testing and Electromagnetic Pulse Characteristics
Recent Advances in Electrostatic Discharge Testing and Electromagnetic Pulse Characteristics
As the global EMC community is preparing itself to greet the third edition of IEC 61000-4-2, that will probably deliver updates related to reproducibility of calibration and testing, this workshop aims to analyze theoretical and practical assumptions behind the expected changes. Additionally, the study aims to outline practical implications for the owners of test equipment vis-à-vis the new requirements, in terms of compliance but also quality of calibration and test processes.
Frequency-Domain characteristics of various typical electromagnetic pulses are calculated by Fourier transforms. We can see the frequency range of different electromagnetic pulse, the electromagnetic energy distribution in the different frequency range, the energy flux density of electromagnetic pulse in the different frequency range. It is possible to propose some Electromagnetic Pulse wave to improve the Frequency-Domain characteristics of electromagnetic pulse to be use in electromagnetic test.
PhD. Eng. Adrian Matoi, EMC PARTNER AG
Han Jingyu, The Testing Center for Quality of Security and Police Electronic Product Under the Ministry Public Security, Beijing, China
Artificial Intelligence Inspiring the Electromagnetic Wave
Artificial Intelligence Inspiring the Electromagnetic Wave
The workshop will present the latest development of AI technology in electromagnetic wave and electromagnetic coupling with neuron-science, such as new electromagnetic challenges in AI chips, Neuromorphic Chips, heterogeneous package integration.
Da Li, Zhejiang University
Ling Zhang, Zhejiang Universityv
V2X/Automotive EMC
V2X/Automotive EMC
With the increasing of complex electromagnetic environment problems in Internet of Vehicles technology, electromagnetic environment testing for Internet of Vehicles becomes great challenges. This workshop will present the testing technologies and instruments of the electromagnetic environment for Internet of Vehicles.
Zhang Xing Hai, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Jun Fan, Missouri University of Science and Technology
Er-Ping Li, Zhejiang University
Effective Usage of EMC Antennas for Calibration and EMC Chamber Site Validation
Effective Usage of EMC Antennas for Calibration and EMC Chamber Site Validation
There are some practical considerations for antennas used for EMC measurements; for example, EMC antennas are typically extremely broadband and low gain. At below 1 GHz, these antennas are used over a perfect electrical conductor (PEC) ground plane. This tutorial provides an introduction and discussion of the antenna fundamental parameters from an application point of view, especially on how these antenna parameters are characterized and applied in EMC applications. A brief introduction to EMC antenna calibration methods will be provided, including a reference to dipole-like antennas, which are ubiquitous for EMC measurements below 1 GHz. The impact on measurement uncertainty when using antennas to validate the performance of RF/EMC Chambers will be reviewed. Definitions of antenna factor are provided and some practical measurement examples are introduced. In addition, effects of the measurement site and a balance-unbalanced transformer will be discussed.
Janet O’Neil, ETS-Lindgren
Zhong Chen, ETS-Lindgren
Modeling and Active Mitigation of EMI for High Power Electronics
Modeling and Active Mitigation of EMI for High Power Electronics
Focus on studying of electromagnetic interference (EMI) modeling and active mitigation technology for power electronics converters, especially for the Modular Multilevel Converters (MMC) in smart grid application.
Begin with the introduction of EMI issue of power electronics converters, illustrating the EMI source, path and impact in high power converters. With regular voltage source converter and complex MMC as target, the modeling of EMI is introduced for the understanding and prediction of EMI. Then the EMI mitigation methods for high power converter are discussed in two parts, focusing on active mitigation methods, including modulation, gate driver, common-mode cancellation and active EMI filters, to achieve EMI mitigation with less passive components. The knowledge introduced in this tutorial can be useful for the engineers and scholars for high power converter design and operation.
Based on the Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) key project under grant U1866211. This project is a joint project between Huazhong University of Science and Technology and Beijing Jiaotong University, together with State Grid of China. The main tutorial content is based on the research contribution of this project from 2019 to 2022.
Dong Jiang, Professor, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Hong Li, Professor, Beijing Jiaotong University
Xuejun Pei, Professor, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Data Comparison in EMC
Data Comparison in EMC
EMC data comes in many shapes and sizes but mostly shares one common feature: it needs to be compared with something else. This may be against limit lines or against other simulations or measurements. The comparison against limit lines needs little explanation but there are several circumstances that do merit further review. This session looks at a couple of subsets of such comparisons. It focusses on:
• An approach to limit variation in human responses where ‘eyeballing’ data sets is needed.
• Using the IELF (integrated error against log frequency) technique to compare data sets that are ‘grassy’ or ‘noisy’ in nature.
• Using the FSV (Feature selective validation) technique for data sets that have many readily definable features, which sit between the ‘grassy’ data and the generally smoother data for which standard statistical techniques might be applied (correlation and similar are not discussed in this tutorial.
Alistair Duffy, De Montfort University (DMU)
Gang Zhang, Harbin Institute of Technology